Volunteer Opportunities
Donate your time. We have a variety of volunteer opportunities!
Event Volunteers
You can sign up for single event volunteer opportunities such as helping with special events, or you can contact us to find out about additional, and ongoing ways to help.
Day-To-Day Volunteers
Can’t make it to an event? There are plenty of other ways to help out. You can sign up for one-time volunteer opportunities or you can contact us to find out about additional, and ongoing ways to help. Thank you for being a champion for our children and their families.
Email Julie Noller at jnoller@heartspring.org if you have any questions about our day-to-day opportunities.
University Students
We offer a growing number of opportunities for observations, internships, externships, fieldwork and other degree requirements.
Please contact Julie Noller 316.634.8925 or via email at jnoller@heartspring.org if you are interested in learning more about how Heartspring can help meet your educational needs.
Student Opportunities Application