Heartspring Nutrition Program

Heartspring's food service program participates in the Kansas State Department of Education Child Nutrition & Wellness Program and meets all standards of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA). Select a link to below to review our current child nutrition wellness policies.

Elementary Wellness Policy   Middle School Wellness Policy   High School Wellness Policy  

Heartspring Wellness Committee

To ensure our students’ health and wellness, Heartspring has a Wellness Committee that meets once a year and as needed. The committee consists of psychology staff, teachers, the facility director and the cafeteria manager. If you would like to participate in Heartspring’s wellness committee meetings, please contact Chairman Carolyn Clark at cclark@heartspring.org.

Click the link below to see a list of our current committee members.

Heartspring Wellness Committee  

For more information on summer meal programs please visit the following sites:
Summer Food Service Program Locations Summer Meal Site Finder

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